Ladies Like Us

2022 Kickstart! It's all happening FOR you.

January 21, 2022 Linda Leising

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It's Season 2 of Ladies Like Us!

We are kickstarting with one simple concept. 
What if, instead of life happening TO us, life was happening FOR us? 

Listen in to learn a beautiful hack that gets you aligned with gratitude, creatorship, personal power, and the language of your SOUL. 

Happy 2022!

Hello? Hello? Hello. It's Linda here. this is our first episode of 2022. So I'm wishing you all happy new year now? Um, I'm sorry. I'm a little little late. Uh, it took me a minute to hop back in the saddle and begin, season two of Ladies Like Us! So, but here I am. And today I just want to keep. Pretty short and sweet. Just want to give you a little, little thought gift. Okay. So here it goes. Um, getting certified to be a coach, through Dr. Sue mortars, energy codes process. And so I know I've re referred to her before some of her teachings, because I am. Obsessed. I just like, it makes everything I've ever learned makes so much sense. Um, her book, the energy codes, I highly recommend you check it out because, it's really, it's pretty life-changing. So, anyway, in today's podcast, I simply want to offer kind of a basic tenant that we hold, in energy codes. And I think it's just a good, Way to align yourself with possibility with creatorship, with thriving, with emotional balance, with personal power. And so the main thing is this, think about your life and in that basket of, you know, events, there's, there's what you consider to be good. And what you consider to be. And, you know, maybe some boring spots in between. So I'm guessing, um, as those bad things are happening, oftentimes a thought whether conscious or subconscious is why is this happening to me? Right. Like, or just simply feeling that. You're kind of just in life and that life is just happening at you. Like you have no control, it's just sort of like things just keep happening to you. Right. I remember being in my early twenties and literally not understanding that I was creating my life, that I had some power over that. I remember picturing myself as like, I don't know an amoeba, you know, like I have no, they have no little like. Gil's or cilia or whatever to like move them around. So it just, wherever the water takes them, that's where they go. And I was like, is that what we are? Um, so I've come far from, from thinking that way obviously, but, um, but it's a, I would say a large part of the human experience is to feel that life happens to us. And especially when unasked for. Uh, negative events happened to us. We're like, why is this happening to me? Right. And so the main paradigm shift I'm going to offer is what if you, in those moments, asked yourself, how is this happening for me? How is this happening for me? So think about how different that is energetically when you're like, why is this happening to me? I mean, I don't know about you. I can literally go back to all my faults, um, mistakes that I made, bad choices. yeah, like you name it. I can go into a shame spiral. Right. And then. even for those same occurrences, the same, events in your life, if you say, how is this happening for me? How did this happen for me? It literally opens up space in your brain to answer that question and your brains answering that question from a totally different place than saying, why is this happening to me? So essentially what we're doing is. Just refusing to be a victim, right? How is this happening? Like, why is this happening to me? Is total victim thinking I'm not blaming, trust me. I'm not pointing fingers because we all do it. Right. But like, what does it look like to just simply say, how is this happening for me? And it's, it's weird. Like again, this energy shift literally neutralizes. An event that you label is negative and you sort of see how it's, it's more than just that, right? Like everything is. And so allowing your brain to search for how this might actually be giving you something, maybe it's still unasked for maybe or unexpected, but it doesn't necessarily have to be filed in the negative for one. The other thing is we forget, um, it's easy to forget, like those big peak experiences, you know, they get etched into our being right. And they start. Form who we are from that point, in ways that we are we're conscious of and unconscious of, but I just want to offer, it's sort of like a comet, right? Like you get that impact of like bad news or I don't know, suddenly being dumped or whatever event that comes to mind for you when you hear me. And that's the head of the comet. But what we forget is that there's a long tail after that comet. So often by having a door close, a relationship end, when something like that happened, certain doors close, other windows open. Sure. You've heard that expression before. The other thing is that you are choosing differently based on how you've had to shift as you accommodate this, change that again, that you probably didn't ask for. Right. And so if you actually ask this question of a past event, say, how did that happen for me? Your brain will then remember some things that happened in the aftermath of that, which really wouldn't have happened had it not been for that initial event. And so I think it's incredibly empowering to look at your life this way. I think it's incredibly empowering to be able to look at your life from this lens. How is this happening for me? So the next time you are, I don't know, you're you're in your day and something's derailing you and you feel yourself kind of, um, going there, right? Why is this happening to me? Ah, I would just pause, remember this and say, how is this happening for me? And really just let your brain just go where it wants to go. Cause it will find interesting answers that will surprise you. I promise you if you integrate this practice into your being, make it very natural for you for your mind to look at your life this way. You will absolutely feel more empowered. You'll also feel more in touch with really your own creatorship.. Because the fact is we are the creators of our own experience. And I'm not saying we ask for all this, um, this bad stuff that happens to us. But just remembering that from the soul's perspective, a lot of what we consider bad on the, on the human scale of life. To a soul. It's not necessarily that, um, you know, we're, we're here to evolve and really remember more of who we are. Like that, that bigger self ofsoul. Cause where's the soul? I mean, it's not just like, you know, in my pinky finger, right. it's in us, it's around us. It's like this sort of larger presence of us. the, uh, the. Is less about cataloging all the mistakes and, missed opportunities and, and all that. It just feels into where it wants to go. And it directs us towards experiences that we need to have in order to really just uncover ourselves in our true nature. And so. By asking, how is this happening for me? It's in a way it's, it's getting closer to your soulful self as, as Dr. Sue puts it. Um, but the part of us, that's not in our protective personality, right? The, the part of us that really wants to soar. And it also puts us back in the driver's seat, like thinking about what experiences is my soul looking for? So, again, it's not that it's like the disaster, the bad thing that happened is what it's looking for. It's more like, how am I coming through this? What am I learning of myself? Um, what, what are these parts of me that I didn't even know existed? Right. And I think you can feel into that. The vastness of that. So, you know, don't leave so much of yourself, behind or on the table, like really like play with the whole of yourself, allow that for yourself. I really do wish for you an expansive 2022. I know that we've all been confined and, um, maybe our worlds feel smaller on some level, but. I'm guessing. And again, how is this happening for us, right? Where we're going, within ourselves, what we're learning about, how we connect, what we need to fuel our hearts and souls. In times like this, maybe it's preparing us for something greater, um, who knows, but I leave that to you to ask those questions and just enjoy, enjoy the answers that come up. So anyway, hope that was helpful. I wish you an amazing start to 2022 and I will see you soon!