Ladies Like Us

The Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It...

August 17, 2021

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Ladies Like Us is on a mission. Are you coming with us? 
This episode is an overview of the mission of the podcast.

Here's what you need to know 

Ladies Like Us -- that's LLU-- was created as a space for non mothers, pre-mothers, alterna-mothers, motherhood curious, etc. Why? Because when what society reflects back to you as the ideal life looks really different from yours, (doesn't include children) we can feel a sense of Otherness. Here's a place to let your hair down and feel like you belong to a tribe. 

We unpack otherness and what it is to be in the Otherhood. Words matter.

We dig into the energy of motherhood and motherhood potential. Don't be afraid!

We invite bigger conversations about sex and sexuality when you're trying to have a baby, and when you're NOT. 

We declare a war on SHAME. 

We pull our triggers. And meet them with compassion.

We put a stake in the ground to give fewer f*cks about what the world thinks of our life choices and dare each other to love the  lives we've created.

This is an invitation. We share our stories to give space for yours.